Every year, the International Writing Program coordinates and facilitates an exchange between two literary communities abroad. 

These exchanges instigate the development of collaborative projects between far-flung communities of writers and photographers, creating new connections that continue to thrive long after exchange projects have concluded.

We collect the writing and photography of our participants into Narrative Witness, this online journal.  



Because of the nature of the project, we try to publish all work created during our exchange programs.  On occasion, however, work is censored by the author(s) to protect their identities and/or the identities of their subjects.  

As this journal exclusively publishes the work created within IWP programs,  we do not accept unsolicited work. 

PUBlication dates

As the exchange runs only once per year during the summer, we publish an annual issue anthologizing the work of the participants the following year in February.  

BTL publication placeholder text.